Lifting the Veil (2011) Director: Scott Noble Runtime: 114 min Through merciless analysis of the external and internal policies of the United States we are faced with the unavoidable truth that will not leave anyone indifferent. On the example of the Obama administration we see how Democratic Party takes over the ideas of social movements […]
Forced disappearance
Shoah (1985) Director: Claude Lanzmann Runtime: 566 min Shoah is the Hebrew term for the Holocaust, the genocide of approximately six million of European Jews conducted by Nazis (and their collaborators) during World War II. It is very difficult to find the words to express or think about the Nazi industry of death. I will
Counter-Intelligence (2013) Director: Scott Noble Runtime: around 330 min Exceptional five-part documentary series which aims to show through in-depth analysis how the current world order, dominated by the USA as an imperial power, is maintained primarily by (public or concealed) organized violence of huge proportions and the threat of violence, destruction, torture and death of
Counter-Intelligence Read More »
La noche de los lápices (1986) Director: Héctor Olivera Actors: Alejo García Pintos, Vita Escardó, Pablo Novak Runtime: 105 min During the reign of the military junta in Argentina (1976-1983, a period now known as “The Dirty War“), between 17,000 and 30,000 people “disappeared”. In fact they were kidnapped by the military and the secret
Night of the Pencils Read More »