Lifting the Veil (2011) Director: Scott Noble Runtime: 114 min Through merciless analysis of the external and internal policies of the United States we are faced with the unavoidable truth that will not leave anyone indifferent. On the example of the Obama administration we see how Democratic Party takes over the ideas of social movements …
Crisis of Capitalism
Punishment Park (1971) Director: Peter Watkins Actors: Patrick Boland, Kent Foreman, Carmen Argenziano Runtime: 88 min Punishment Park is a dystopia (reverse utopia) in which US President Richard Nixon declares a state of emergency, suspends all civil rights, the police arrests thousands of people and deliverers them to military tribunals which are adjudicating with no …
Now & Later (2009) Director: Philippe Diaz Actors: Shari Solanis, Keller Wortham Runtime: 99 min At the very beginning we are welcomed with Wilhelm Reich‘s quote: “A sexually repressed society will resort to violence.” He is an international trader – a speculator who grew up in a typical American family devoted to power and success. …
Counter-Intelligence (2013) Director: Scott Noble Runtime: around 330 min Exceptional five-part documentary series which aims to show through in-depth analysis how the current world order, dominated by the USA as an imperial power, is maintained primarily by (public or concealed) organized violence of huge proportions and the threat of violence, destruction, torture and death of …
Wasted Youth (2011) Directors: Argyris Papadimitropoulos, Jan Vogel Actors: Haris Markou, Ieronymos Kaletsanos, Arthouros Kiviliov Runtime: 122 min Two parallel stories are developed in the course of one day in the streets of Athens, capital of Greece, which is deeply shaken by the world financial crisis and the economic collapse of the country that can …
Margin Call (2011) Director: J.C. Chandor Actors: Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Stanley Tucci Runtime: 107 min At the beginning of the global economic crisis, a young analyst uses a computer simulation to predict the imminent fall of the market. The movie covers a period of 24h during which senior executives decide to sell all the …
The Shock Doctrine (2009) Directors: Mat Whitecross, Michael Winterbottom Runtime: 82 min The economic doctrine that glorifies the free market and deregulation, widely known as the ideology of neoliberalism, is so devastating for the population that it is generally impossible to be carried out except in extraordinary situations. It was implemented for the first time …
Pandora’s Box (1992) Director: Adam Curtis Runtime: 6 x 45 min A six-part documentary series dealing with the effects and irrational consequences of political and scientific rationalism. The focus of the story is how the engineers and scientists inappropriately interfered in economy and politics, while on the other hand, economists and politicians equally inappropriately interfered …